Ask Our Ace: SCALC in Webforms – How to get the sum of a row that is a list of items

by | Mar 21, 2018 | Finit

Finit has delivered solutions for the office of finance 20 years, beginning in 2002 with a focus on Oracle EPM. In 2011, we were the first OneStream implementation partner and delivered the first OneStream solution to go live. We no longer offer consulting services for Oracle EPM. However, the functional experience and technical expertise built from this experience form the foundation of our industry-leading OneStream practice.

HFM User:

I’m trying to create a web form that has a member list and a subtotal.  In Financial Reporting, I can use a formula such as Sum([2]) which adds the contents of row 2, even if row 2 is a list.  Is this possible in forms?  I’ve tried many variations on SCALC, but the form still does not sum a row that is a list of items.

Chris Barbieri:

I have also encountered this issue, so I posed the question to my team here at Finit.  As is typical of Finit, I think about six people replied to me shortly after I asked for help.  The issue is simply syntax:  in at least one document I read, I thought the syntax was:


Really, it was:


Part of my confusion was that when HFM failed to recognize the R, it returned only the value from the current entity in the POV.  I couldn’t understand why the form was returning this number.  In retrospect, I would expect HFM to return an error upon opening the form, but it does not.  After getting help from my team and then re-reading the latest documentation, I confirmed the “Row” syntax.  Then, everything worked as expected.  Below is the syntax in question:


R2=E{Active Descendants of POV(@POV)}

R3=Scalc(Row(2)),CustomHeaderStyle:font-weight:Bold,CustomHeader:Sum LCORP_US

Note that while the R syntax works in most cases, I recommend always using Row because it works in all cases, including the Scalc on a row or column with a list.

Do you have an issue or topic that you’d like Chris to discuss in his next blog post?  Please e-mail us at and we will “Ask our ACE”!

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