Ask the Expert: “Should we consider Extensible Dimensionality?”

Presenter: | Apr 9, 2020

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Join Finit’s experts for informative, 30-minute conversations about topics at the intersection of finance and technology that impact you every day. During each conversation, Finit’s experts will introduce a specific CPM-related topic, offer hands-on insights from their experience, and will answer your questions.

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Ask the Expert, Session 1: “Should we consider Extensible Dimensionality?”

We often see the question, “Should we use Extensible Dimensions,” asked early in the design and requirements phase of a project. Sometimes a client wants to use it just because it’s a key differentiating feature of OneStream over HFM or other consolidation system solutions. However, in a good design, there is a time and place for the use of Extensible Dimensionality.

Join Finit’s Jeff Kantor as he shares his insights on vertical versus horizontal extensibility, and his thoughts on which kind and why one might make more sense than another.

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