Creative Solutions for Cash Flow and FX Analysis Through Dashboarding

Presenter: | Aug 8, 2016

Continuing in our webinar series Finit is proud to present and demo some of the top solutions in Onestream.  Join us Friday Aug 19th to learn about our custom developed 3-Dimensional View (aka Audit View) of Cash View
  • Hear OneStream implementation lead Christine Ong-Estrada review the metadata structure necessary for the 3D View
  • Advantages of using this method of Cash Flow Reporting and
  • The use of Dashboards utilized around Cash Flow to guide users through the generation of the Cash Flow Report
In Part II of the presentation, we will detail and demo Application Dashboards that allow you to generate Automated and Dynamic FX Analysis
  • We will discuss the different reports available
  • Running a Calculation to save parameters and
  • Running a Consolidation to calculate the FX Analysis
Lastly, we will focus directly on Dashboards inside of OneStream:


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