OneStream – What’s Possible?

Presenter: | Dec 16, 2015

As more customers consider OneStream for their Corporate Performance Management (CPM) needs we are frequently being asked questions like:
  • How are other customers using OneStream?
  • We know how we do “X”, but what have you seen other companies do to make “X” better/easier/faster in OneStream?
  • We want to do “Y”, but we aren’t sure what it would mean to do “Y” in OneStream?
These questions apply to a wide range of topics. In this and future webinars we will review what Finit has helped companies “do” in regards to the following topics using OneStream:
  • Automating / Streamlining Cash Flow Reporting
  • Integrating Multiple Charts of Accounts
  • Functional versus Natural Account Reporting
  • Rolling / Seeding Forecasts
  • Bridge and Variance Analysis
  • Acquisition Reporting
  • Multiple Currency Reporting
Hear how Finit has helped companies approach these topics and helped them design and implement solutions that allow them to maximize their OneStream investment.

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